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Hillcrest Reunion 2017

Here is the sign that the Cowichan Lake Arena puts up for us every year outside their arena on the way to Mesachie Lake.

The entrance doors to the hall where we have the reunions every year

Our display table inside. Former employees bring old photographs for everyone to enjoy.

Registrar Joyce Ashley setting up to register participants.

Our 100th anniversary cake.

Bill Keserich and Mary Turko arriving. Mary's son Bill in background.

Crystal Gold and mom Gwendoline Gold enjoying the display photographs. Many that their grandfather W.H. Gold had taken.

Joyce and Gwendoline chatting it up before the rush.

Bill Keserich on left and Don Gordon hammimg it up at the cake table.  This is the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Hillcrest Lumber Company. Carlton Stone founded it in 1917 at Sahtlam BC, five miles west of Duncan BC.

Crystal Gold, Anne Stone, Doug Stone and Gwendoline Gold.  Doug is a grandson of founder Carlton Stone

Al Stone is a grandson of founder Carlton Stone

Livio Michieli worked at the sawmill for many years and Annie Willis (Padjen) father Pete Padjen worked as a blacksmith.

Gordon Gold enjoying himself. Gordon is a grandson of the famous photographer W.H. Gold

Lloyd Smith is another regular attendee.  Lloyd was an electrician at Hillcrest for many years.

Bob Crawford on left and Livio Michieli attend faithfully every year.

Manjeet Mann on left having a chat with Bob Coates. Manjeet's father Bikar was a long time lumber grader at Hillcrest mill.

Some of the former employees who come to the reunions every year.

Mike Stone is also a grandson of founder Carlton Stone

Byron Wilson and Vera Wilson are regular attendees.  Byron drove carrier in the sawmill for many years and also drove the work bus from Duncan to Mesachie Lake.

Jim Young worked in the boiler plant for many years, and is another regular attendee every year.

Dick Pollock chatting it up.  Dick's father was the manager at the old Sahtlam Hillcrest mill.

Julie Roome on left having a great chat with Lorene Milligan.

Some very nice flowers that were presented to Cec and Joyce during the festivities.

E-MAIL:                                                                         CONTACT:                                              Cec Ashley


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