From: Donna Millar <donnalmillar@gmail.com>
In honour of Jack Millar, who passed away suddenly on September 14, 2021, his family is asking that contributions in his memory be made to the John “Jack” Millar Field Course Award at Western University (see links below), which helps biology students do hands-on research. Field research was not only central to Jack’s work as a biologist, but also very dear to his heart.
Jack came of age in the woods surrounding Mesachie Lake on Vancouver Island and dedicated much of his life to studying the workings of the natural world, whether in the Kananaskis Valley, the hinterlands of Ontario, or the bush lot at the back of his farm on Coursey Line in Lucan, Ontario. Jack worked to transfer his love of fieldwork to his students through his field course in Alpine Ecology and through his supervision of so many graduate research projects over the course of his career. This award, which Jack himself designed, captures the major themes of his life, and contributions will allow the work that he was so passionate about to continue.
Obituary: Obituary for Dr. John "Jack" Steven Millar | Basic Funerals and Cremations Choices
Description of the award: Jack-Millar-Field-Course-Travel-Award2018.pdf (uwo.ca)
Here is the link if you want to make a contribution: https://www.westernconnect.ca/site/SPageNavigator/JohnMillarFieldCourseAward.html
For those wishing to give by cheque:
Cheque payable to : University of Western Ontario OR Western University
Memo: indicate the donation is to support the John S. “Jack” Millar Field Course Award
They should mail it to:
The Faculty of Science, Office of the Dean
North Campus Building, Room 240
1151 Richmond Street
London, ON, Canada N6A 5B7
Attention: Erin Azzopardi, Senior Development Officer