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Byron and Vera at the 2012 reunion in Mesachie Lake.




I started work for the Hillcrest Lumber Co. in the summer of 1955.

I had two other members of my family who also worked there.

My oldest brother George was a millwright – he passed away several years ago.

My younger brother Albert (Bert) was a carrier driver.  He passed away in 2002.


I drove the work- bus for many years, from Duncan to the mill.  On one of the trips home, on the Old Lake Cowichan Road near Sahtlam, glass from the broken wind shield, flew into the back of the bus, fortunately no injuries!!  I stopped the bus and spotted two ten year olds on the bank.  I went back to get information and they readily gave me their names, which I wrote down.  On further inquiry the names proved to be fictitious!!!

At the mill I started in the lumber yard settings blocks for the fork lift.  I had to be very careful because of the close proximity of setting the loads on the blocks, as we all knew where Herb spent his weekends!!


In the course of the day I would have the opportunity to climb up on one of the carriers when the driver was off for a few minutes.  When the first opening for a carrier driver was posted, I got the job and drove carrier from then until the Mill closed in 1968.


A few interesting events:


When it was Chinese New Year, we all received leechy nuts and a bottle of bubbly from Sue Lem Bing, an old time employee and Chinese foreman.

On Friday afternoons we found time to visit the East Indian cook house for roties and curried chicken – delicious!!

At Christmas time the Company gave each employee a turkey – which were much appreciated!!


The Stone Brothers were very good to every person they employed.

Hillcrest was a super Company to work for.


Fond memories from Byron Wilson

Here is one of the lumber carriers that Byron drove for so many years in the mill.  Hillcrest had four lumber carriers, two Ross and two Gerllinger's. This photo was taken in the millyard at Hillcrest mill in 1955

RED WILSON:  Red was a lumber carrier driver who drove carrier at Mesachie Lake

George Wilson:  George was a millwright at Mesachie Lake

E-MAIL:                                                                         CONTACT:                                              Cec Ashley


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